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Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic alphabet translator

In using the above Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic translator, simply type the word in the space using the keyboard, and the "picture work" will appear on the scroll above.

Discovering Egypt - http://www.discoveringegypt.com/index.htm

This is such a fun discovery-type site. It is interactive, and covers topics including Ancient Egyptian Anecdotes. Good materials for kids and adults.

Tour Egypt - http://www.touregypt.net

This is a massive site. Unfortunately, since first discovering it, the top half of the webpages are wrought with tourism advertising. Get beyond that, and it is like an entire, well-researched library on an extensive amount of Egyptian history, culture and life.

Ancient Egypt - http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/menu.html

This is the site of the British Museum. It is elegantly done, and is dramatic. As an informative source, it takes the visitor on an interactive exploration of Ancient Egypt that transmits the feeling of having traveled through time to those distant parts.

Ancient Egypt on a Comparative Method - http://www.aldokkan.com/

This site takes a different approach. It views Ancient Egypt through comparisons to other ancient cultures. See what you think.

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